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JITO Chamber of Commerce and Industry Strengthens Leadership with Pankaj Ostwal’s Appointment

Pankaj Ostwal Joins JITO Chamber of Commerce and Industry as DirectorA new trade body namely Jito chamber of commerce and industry (JCCI) under auspices of JITO (jain international trade organisation ) has been formed with an intention to promote entrepreneurial leadership among industries /business promoted by Jains and also to start interactions with various governments to suggest new policies and or to bring modifications in the policy to make India a 5 Trillion economy.

Among others , Shri Pankaj Ostwal , promoter director of ostwal group of industries and former President of Terapanth Professional Foroum, at the instance of Shri Prithvi raj kothari has been nominated as director of JCCI to contribute his vision derived from the growth of OGI.

Shri Pankaj ostwal, CA by qualification is in phosphatic manufacturing business for the last two decades and brings with him vast experience of modernisation/ refurbishment of old plants, turning sick units to profitable with innovation and by adopting unique techniques, import export of Agri and mineral products, setting up new plants particularly fertilizer. His involvement in social/ religious platform inculcated a sense of modesty and philanthropic aptitude. His experience is likely to give impetus to the evolvement of JCCI.

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