ACT | The App Association Report Illuminates Small Businesses’ Impact in AI, Urges Policy Inclusivity

Washington, D.C., [December 9, 2023] – ACT | The App Association released “Small Businesses and Entrepreneurs: An Indispensable Force in AI,” a comprehensive report showcasing small businesses’ crucial role in the broader AI sector. While new to wider public awareness, these entities are not unique to working with the intricacies of AI technology. They have adapted to and are at the forefront of its innovative application, contributing significantly to an industry valued at $1.8 trillion.

The report draws on a series of focus groups with App Association members from across the country, bringing together a wealth of experience from seasoned developers and entrepreneurs. These discussions revealed a consistent theme: small businesses use AI innovatively in unique and significant ways, often finding solutions to real-world problems that larger corporations might overlook. This collective insight from diverse voices across the tech landscape underscores the vital role and unique perspective that small businesses contribute to the AI sector.

The report also highlights a critical issue: a decline in public trust in AI. Considering these small businesses ‘ valuable contributions, the findings underscore the importance of thoughtful policymaking.

Morgan Reed, president of The App Association, addresses this concern: ‘As we navigate the complexities of AI, it’s critical to broaden the scope of policy discussions. The Biden Administration and the bipartisan Senate Working Group, led by Senators Schumer, Young, Heinrich, and Rounds, must ensure that the diverse voices of the small business sector are included. Engaging these businesses is key to rebuilding public trust in AI.”

ACT | The App Association is a global trade association for small and medium-sized technology companies. Working with and for small business members to promote a policy environment that rewards and inspires innovation while providing resources that help them raise capital, create jobs, and continue to build incredible technology.

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