Dr Samar Basak Of Disha Eye Hospitals Elected As 82nd President Of The All India Ophthalmological Society

Dr Samar Basak Of Disha Eye Hospitals Elected As 82nd President Of The All India Ophthalmological SocietyKolkata, 19th March, 2024:  The All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) today elected Dr. Samar Kumar Basak, one of the founder members of Disha Eye Hospitals as President for the year 2024-2025 in their 82nd Annual Conference.

Nine years after, Dr Debasish Bhattacharya, Chairman & Managing Director, Disha Eye Hospitals, AIOS gets another President from West Bengal

Dr. Samar Kumar Basak, a respected eye surgeon and an academician in the field of ophthalmology is majorly recognized for his breakthrough surgeries in his chosen subspecialty – Cornea. In recognition of his service and expertise, Dr Basak has been conferred with a number of accolades over the years both in India and abroad.

“It is a privilege for me to be honored with such a reputed position. AIOS is one of oldest associations dedicated towards revolutionizing the Eye Care Industry. This year we will be introducing a few imperative initiatives for the progress of the Nation and making Ophthalmology more advanced.  From the involvement of the international delegates to the formation of ‘Indian Senior Ophthalmologists Forum’ and ‘Senior Ophthalmologists Committee’ are few such exemplary measures. Apart from all these we would like to promote the spirit of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion bridging all kinds of gaps and minimizing the lack of opportunities for the youths. Digitalization is a boon for all of us which accelerates our connectivity with the innovations happening across the world. AIOS will be focusing more on reaching the people digitally as well to cater awareness and educate them about blindness and its easy prevention,” said Dr Samar Kumar Basak, President, All India Ophthalmological Society & Founder Member, Disha Eye Hospitals.

The All India Ophthalmological Society (AIOS) was formed in 1930, is the largest life member association of Eye doctors in the world with nearly 28,000 members. The objectives of this particular organization is the cultivation and promotion of the study and practice of ophthalmic sciences, research and man-power development with a view to render quality service to the community.

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