Haven1 and Stader Labs Partner to Bring Liquid Staking to the Safe Haven Ecosystem

ZUG, SWITZERLAND, TUESDAY, 5 JUNE 2024: Haven1, the REKT-resistant EVM Layer 1 blockchain, is thrilled to announce its strategic partnership with Stader Labs, a leading provider of liquid staking solutions, to introduce hsETH, a new liquid staking token designed to maximize rewards and participation in the Ethereum ecosystem. This collaboration will provide access to a range of Web3 opportunities within Haven1’s secure ecosystem.

Leveraging Stader Labs’ multi-pool architecture, hsETH offers another way to engage with Ethereum staking without sacrificing liquidity, making it an attractive option for those seeking to maximize their on-chain yield.

Jeff Owens, CEO & Co-Founder of Haven1, says: “Our partnership with Stader Labs allows us to leverage their expertise in liquid staking to offer our users a seamless and rewarding staking experience — with early contributors and stakers earning added airdrop rewards. hsETH is a real game-changer for Haven1, and the introduction highlights that, even as an L1, Haven1 is complementary to Ethereum.”

By staking ETH to obtain hsETH, users gain access to native ETH staking rewards and additional Haven1 ($H1 token) airdrop rewards accessible on the Haven1 ecosystem. hsETH will receive robust support on Haven1, empowering users to augment their earnings with additional yield and rewards via on-chain products once Haven1 launches on mainnet.

“We are thrilled to partner with Haven1 to bring liquid staking to their security and liquidity-focused ‘Safe Haven’ ecosystem,” adds Anoothi Kumar, Chief Business Officer at Stader Labs. “We believe that hsETH will empower Haven1 users to maximize their staking rewards while maintaining the flexibility to explore the full range of opportunities within the Haven1 platform.”

Haven1 and Stader Labs are committed to building a more decentralized and user-friendly staking experience. This partnership aims to make ETH staking accessible to a broader audience, including both novice and experienced users. By removing the barriers of technical complexity and illiquidity, hsETH rewards users who stake their ETH to secure the Ethereum network while retaining the flexibility to utilize their assets within Haven1’s secure ecosystem.

Haven1 plans to launch its mainnet in Q3 2024, after which users will be able to seamlessly trade and utilize hsETH as collateral, and participate in a variety of on-chain applications to earn additional yield within the Haven1 ecosystem.

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