News18 HSM Network Puts the Spotlight on the Need for Following Traffic Rules

News18 Bihar / Jharkhand, News18 Uttar Pradesh / Uttarakhand and News18 Madhya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh will be launching a campaign in January to highlight this issue

Flouting rules on the road is a commonly observed behaviour in many parts of the country – be it skipping traffic signals or riding two-wheelers without a helmet. This rampant disregard for these rules results in unfortunate and often fatal consequences. News18 Network has always been at the forefront of picking up issues that have a direct and significant impact on viewers. Road safety is one such issue that affects each individual in some way, form or fashion and hence India’s No. 1 News Network has decided to put the focus on the same.

News18 Bihar / Jharkhand and News18 Uttar Pradesh / Uttarakhand will specifically focus on the importance of wearing a helmet with their campaigns “हेलमेट लगाइये, सुरक्षित घर आइये” and “हेलमेट पहनो, सुरक्षित चलो” respectively. News18 Madhya Pradesh / Chhattisgarh will also be launching a special awareness drive titled “सड़क, सुरक्षा…सावधानी”

The campaigns will consist of special stories, ground reports, and special interviews. The focus will be on not only engaging viewers and the public at large but also partnering with local authorities. The key objective would be to highlight the dangers of ignoring traffic rules through various case studies and discussions with experts. The campaigns will also encourage a constructive discussion on the root cause for such behaviour but more importantly will focus on ways and means of encouraging widespread adherence to traffic rules. By spreading awareness and sensitizing viewers these campaigns will certainly aim to have a tangible impact by reducing road fatalities. They will also focus on ways and means of strengthening enforcement of traffic rules as also highlight any lacunae in road / traffic infrastructure that needs to be addressed.

Tune in to News18 Network this January and lend your support to this important initiative.

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