Quotes on National Startup Day | Visionet and KOGO.ai

Spokesperson: Raj K. Gopalakrishnan, Co-founder and CEO, KOGO Tech Labs

“National Startup Day marks a crucial moment to appreciate the substantial contributions of Indian startups to the nation’s innovation scene. 68,000+ ventures have seriously upped the ante with an impressive $11.3 billion in funding from 2014 – Mid 2023. KOGO is right there in the thick of it with our ‘Where Next?’ philosophy that drives us to create the next big disruption with AI-powered travel tech.

We live in exciting times! In the grand tapestry of India’s startup ecosystem, AI is a game-changer. Kudos to the many Indian startups leading the charge in their respective domains and reshaping India’s startup landscape. As we celebrate the entrepreneurial spirit, it’s essential to underscore collaborative efforts within the ecosystem. Encouraging cooperation among stakeholders in the startup community is vital, allowing startups to make significant contributions to India’s economic growth, particularly in the dynamic field of AI-powered travel.

Today reinforces our collective mission at KOGO to not just play along but to be an active force in making India a global travel tech powerhouse. Every line of code we write, every strategy we deploy is aimed at that next leap forward. National Startup Day isn’t just a celebration—it’s a reminder of our shared commitment to excellence and the incredible journey ahead.”

Spokesperson – Sandeep Agarwal, Global CTO, and Managing Director, Visionet India

As we celebrate National Startup Day, Visionet recognises the pivotal role of startups in India’s innovation journey. With over 68,000 ventures emerging between 2014 and June 2023, the entrepreneurial spirit is driving transformative changes, backed by an impressive total funding of nearly 11.3 billion U.S. dollars.

At Visionet, our commitment goes beyond acknowledgement; it’s about active support. Through our VisionTechFest, particularly the TechStart stream, we’ve created a unique platform fostering innovation and collaboration. TechStart stands as a commitment to nurture India’s startup ecosystem by seamlessly connecting startups with industry professionals.

Winners of TechStart not only secure a title but also gain invaluable mentorship, guidance, and governance from Visionet. Access to our global customer base markets becomes a gateway to new opportunities, facilitating the scaling of their businesses. We believe in more than recognition; we believe in actively propelling startups toward success.

On this occasion, let us recognise the entrepreneurial spirit and the role each startup plays in shaping India’s innovative future. Visionet, through TechStart, remains committed to being a driving force, fostering collaboration, and creating pathways for startups to thrive and to be the architects of a transformative future.

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