Taboola Drives AI-Powered Personalization For Top Publishers, Driving Over 15% Increase in Visits Per Month…


New Delhi, May 19, 2023 – Taboola (Nasdaq: TBLA), a global leader in powering recommendations for the open web, today announced a new milestone for Homepage For You, its publisher platform offering that adds Artificial Intelligence (AI) to power editorial recommendations on publisher homepages. Homepage For You is part of Taboola Newsroom, a real-time analytics platform that provides unique insights, sourced from Taboola’s dataset of nearly 600 million daily active users, which informs how to create more engaging content and discover new coverage areas that drive loyal readership.

According to Reuters Institute, media companies are integrating AI to deliver improved personalization, with nearly 40% indicating that they are testing out different technologies to do so. Personalization has become the standard in content, and readers have grown accustomed to fresh and relevant content every single visit. Personalization is valuable for publishers, as it can help them win coveted user attention and use it to build loyalty and grow their businesses.

Through Newsroom and Homepage For You, Taboola is bringing its AI capabilities to help over 3,500 premium editors and journalists personalize their sites, improve overall engagement, and build lasting loyalty through homepages, section fronts, and app home screens. This enables publishers to maximize the value of this critical real estate — where they reach their super users and those with the highest potential of becoming super users — all while maintaining strict control with highly customizable tools, matching their design with a flexible and dynamic integration, saving editorial time and generating incremental revenue from increased site engagement, new subscriptions, and premium ad placements.

Leading global publishers including McClatchy, Le Télégramme, NDTV, The Independent and others are among Taboola partners leveraging Homepage For You. These sites have seen over 15% increase in visits per month, a nearly 10% increase in pageviews per visit, and personalized content resulting in between 30-50% of increase in click-through rate (CTR) vs. curated content in the same position.

Homepage For You is part of Taboola’s comprehensive publisher offerings, which have generated more than $2.5 billion for publishers from 2020 through 2023.

“Newsroom’s simple, graphical interface has been one of the main reasons why the platform was adopted so quickly by the editorial team at Le Télégramme. It’s very easy to monitor audience growth in real-time and check both traffic sources and engagement metrics,” said Gilles Danet, Head of Digital and Innovation at Le Télégramme. “While the editor’s decision is final, Newsroom data is a key feature of editorial meetings, informing journalists on article performance to ensure an opportunity is never missed.”

“Taboola’s Homepage for You allowed us to strike the right balance between journalistic curation and content personalization. Our experience with the product has shown impressive results, which led us to use it on additional platforms and within more content sections,” said Dror Amir, CPO at ynet.

“There’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to audience engagement, and Taboola’s ability to power key areas of our homepage and other sections of our site, their huge amounts of readership data that provide actionable insights, and their valued partnership in working side-by-side with our own editorial team are the unique building blocks in our shared success,” said Christian Broughton, Managing Director, The Independent.

“We’re seeing personalization deliver clear value to publishers across the world,” said Adam Singolda, CEO at Taboola. “For publishers, the most loyal readers are those who visit a homepage directly–they do it often and trust editors to showcase content that is relevant to their interests. Homepage for You combines the best of Taboola’s advanced AI with readership insights sourced from nearly 600 million daily active users to give readers a truly personalized experience–one that makes them keep coming back.”

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