Gillco International School organises an online guest lecture by the famous ‘Mumbai Dabbawala –Mr. Raghunath

Gillco International School organised an online guest lecture by the famous ‘Mumbai Dabbawala –Mr. Raghunath’The lecture was organized by Dr. Parinita for Economics and Commerce Students of Classes 11 and 12. The aim was to make them understand the 14 Principles of Management. The session began with a brief presentation on Mumbai Dabbawala by Class 11 students Palak Puri, Dimanjeet, and Anvita. During the session, the students learnt about the journey of Mumbai Dabbawala, how the company gained the title of being the only six sigma company (a company with zero error). Mr.Raghunath shared the working of the team explaining entire coding process; explaining although the team includes a maximum of illiterate employees still the company is excelling because of Discipline; Punctuality; Proper division of work. All dabbawalas are equal shareholders of the company.

The school Principal Ms. Ruchi Sharma thanked the speaker and summarised the learning experience from today’s session with the students.

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